IP address each time the launch create
Print Created by: Heather BorrWhen customers have to reenter the printer's IP each time they launch B9Create, it's almost always because their computer isn't letting B9Create through its firewall.
For any version of B9Create 2.0:
- Search Windows for "Allow an app through Windows Firewall".
- Click the Change Settings button.
- Find b9_create_2 in the list and make sure both the private and public checkboxes are checked. If b9_create_2 is not already in the list, add it by clicking the Allow another app button, clicking the Browse button, and adding the file C:\Program Files (x86)\B9Create2\B9Create2.exe.
Relaunch B9Create 2.0.
For the new B9Create 3.0.0, and all versions of B9Create moving forward:
- Search Windows for "Allow an app through Windows Firewall".
- Click the Change Settings button.
- Find b9create in the list and make sure both the private and public checkboxes are checked. If b9create is not already in the list, add it by clicking the Allow another app button, clicking the Browse button, and adding the file C:\Program Files (x86)\B9Create\B9Create.exe.
Relaunch B9Create.
H Heather is the author of this solution article.