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Core 5 XL Series Post Printing and General Maintenance

Core 5 XL Series Post Printing and FastVat Cleaning Procedures

Post Print Cleaning Procedure

  1.   After the print has finished, remove the build table and  FastVat  from the printer.
  2.    Carefully remove the print from the build table using the provided plastic blade and print scraper.
  3.    Inspect the resin for visible particles. If any particles are seen, strain the resin back into a bottle using the provided funnel and strainer. We do not recommend pouring used resin into a container of new resin. Complete the FastVat Cleaning Procedure.
  4.    If no particles are visible in the resin, follow the directions to complete the FastVat Cleaning Procedure.
  5.    Insert a FastVat and clean build table into the printer to resume printing.

Cleaning Your FastVat

Instructions for FastVat maintenance including the cleaning can be found here.

Full or partial print failure

  1.    Complete the FastVat Cleaning Procedure to resume printing.

Cleaning Prints

We recommend a B9Clean XL Unit, available at www.b9c.com for all part cleaning. If not available, the following procedures should be followed.

Printed pieces should be rinsed twice in isopropyl alcohol and dried thoroughly.

For the first rinse, place printed pieces inside a watertight container with isopropyl alcohol. Place the container into an ultrasonic bath and agitate for three minutes to remove excess liquid resin. For the first rinse, it is acceptable to utilize previously used isopropyl alcohol.

Drain the alcohol from the container and replace with clean isopropyl for the second rinse. It is necessary to use clean, fresh isopropyl alcohol for the second rinse. Place the container into an ultrasonic bath and agitate for no more than two minutes. Longer rinse times may cause defects in the print surface.

After rinsing, ensure the printed part is dry and free of solvent residue. It is recommended to us compressed air to dry pieces after rinsing.


Curing Prints 

Post-curing is a UV-light treatment to ensure that the resin materials obtain full polymer conversion.  Through this process, the residual monomer content is reduced to a minimum and the highest mechanical properties are obtained.

We recommend the B9 Model Cure or the B9 Model Cure HD  available at www.b9c.com.

  1. Perform the above steps to remove resin from the print.  Resin remaining on the print will cause post cure surface finish issues.
  2. Fill the glass dish with distilled water.
  3. Submerging the model under water improves the curing process and reduces curing time.
  4. Orientate the models vertically to assure both sides of the model are cured.  Horizontal orientation may require flipping the model to cure both sides.
  5. The A, B and C buttons can be programmed for preset curing time.
  6. When properly cured, supports and base should snap off rather than flexing.

Cure time recommendations can be found here