Core Series Compatibility Information

Compatibility information for the B9Creations series


Your B9Core Series 530 or 550 printer should be using the DuraVat


This is the only correctly sized vat for your printer and for further information regarding the B9Creations DuraVat please visit its product page.


It is strongly recommended that on your Core series printer you only use the following approved B9Creations resin. It is possible that other resins may be printable, but B9Creations is not responsible for customer support or damage caused by resins not manufactured and approved by B9creations. For resin specific information please visit the product page found here. For the complete compatibility break down visit the Resin compatibility chart found here.

Post Processing 

Due to its smaller build table size it is possible to use either the Core series or XL series post processing units. It is recommended to use the B9 Model Clean and B9 Model Cure which are both specifically designed to be used in conjunction with the B9Creations Core 530 and Core 550.


Operational instructions for printing accessories can be found on the "Printing Accessories" page of this Knowledge Hub.